Pilot study and cumulative risk framework to advance long-haul driver health
Mary A. Fox1, Teresa L. Penbrooke2, Reza Farzaneh3, Mariya Rahman3, Tara Ramani3, and Josias Zietsman3
1 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Risk Sciences and Public Policy Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA
2 GreenPlay Research, Education and Development and BerryDunn, Louisville, CO, 80027, USA,
3 Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, 77843, USA,
Keywords: cumulative
risk assessment, drivers, physical activity, research translation, risk
Our reliance on long-haul drivers is great but our understanding of their complex occupational health challenges is limited. A review of occupational health research focused on combined or co-exposure interactions found no studies of drivers (Fox et al., 2021). Lemke et al. raised a related concern in their commentary about long-haul drivers and COVID-19, stressing the need to consider a syndemic approach to health research so that studies related to the pandemic would be done with the context and understanding of the stressogenic and obesogenic nature of the occupation (Lemke et al., 2020). “Syndemics are characterized by biological and social interactions between conditions and states, interactions that increase a person’s susceptibility to harm or worsen their health outcomes” (Horton, 2020). The concept of syndemics aligns with cumulative risk assessment, an area of environmental and occupational health research and practice. Cumulative risk assessment is “an analysis, characterization, and possible quantification of the combined risks to health or the environment from multiple agents or stressors” (U.S. EPA, 2003). Like syndemics, cumulative risk assessment is concerned with health effects of multiple stressors (biological, chemical, physical, psychosocial) acting together (Abt et al., 2010). Using a cumulative risk framework may help design a syndemic approach to research thereby providing a more holistic understanding of exposures and risks and potentially multiple options for intervention.
Drivers as an occupational group make a compelling case for applying a syndemic lens but health research in any work context may benefit. This report: 1) describes the methods, implementation and lessons learned from the pilot work; 2) uses descriptive results from the pilot to illustrate exposures and health concerns within a cumulative risk assessment conceptual framework; and 3) discusses how the framework may assist in the design and translation of health research.
Pilot Study Methods
The pilot study was conducted by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute in partnership with Dr. Teresa Penbrooke of GreenPlay Research, Education and Development (GP RED) and BerryDunn. Investigators surveyed long-haul truck drivers at a truck stop (Farzaneh et al., 2018). The survey instrument (“Trucker Health Questionnaire") was developed using items from the validated and widely used International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and a transient community needs assessment initially developed for the US Antarctic Program Recreation and Wellness Survey (Penbrooke, 2010). The instrument included items on demographics; physical activity and time spent sitting; recreation and leisure activities; interest in food and nutrition; and environmental and other health concerns. The instrument had a total of 46 items and required at least 30 minutes to complete. The survey was available in hardcopy and on a tablet computer. The Institutional Review Board at Texas A&M University approved this work. The truck stop location that hosted the pilot study was located along I-35 and had 200 truck parking spots; this truck stop had participated in a previous study. It had several health-promoting features including indoor and outdoor fitness facilities and opportunities for improved nutrition, such as healthy restaurant choices. Four trained study staff gathered data over a 3-day period in December 2018.
Pilot Study Results
A convenience sample of eighteen participants completed the study (see Table 1). The participants were predominantly male (n=16) and ranged in age from 18 to 65+ years (average = 49 years). Years of work as a driver varied, from less than 1 year to more than 20 years of experience. The driver respondents reported higher than average hours of sitting per day, with 12.4 hours on weekdays and 11.7 hours on weekends. On average in the U.S., adults are sedentary 7.7 hours per day (Ussery et al., 2018).
Table 1. Participant characteristics
*One participant chose not to answer.
Most participants (60% to 90%) reported not engaging in job-related or leisure-time walking or moderate or vigorous activity (see Table 2). Participants reporting walking or moderate or vigorous activity exceeded the recommended 150 minutes per week on average (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). One participant reported only 120 minutes per week of moderate leisure activity, but this participant also reported moderate job-related activity. Most participants reporting an activity reported more than one.
Table 2. Participant physical activity
Activity Type |
Did not do activity (%) |
Did Activity (%) |
Minutes/week Avg (Range) |
Job-related walking |
n=12 (67%) |
n=6 (33%) |
553 (60-2100) |
Leisure walking |
n=13 (72%) |
n=5 (28%) |
375 (315-480) |
Job-related moderate |
n=11 (61%) |
n=7 (39%) |
718 (60-3360) |
Leisure moderate* |
n=16 (89%) |
n=1 (6%) |
120 |
Job-related vigorous |
n=12 (67%) |
n=6 (33%) |
650 (360-1260) |
Leisure vigorous* |
n=12 (67%) |
n=4 (22%) |
446 (105-1260) |
*Participant(s) chose not to answer.
Figure 1. Reported barriers to physical activity
Health conditions or concerns reported included back issues (n=4), diabetes (n=3), concern about exhaust fume exposure (n=2), overweight (n=1), cancer (n=1), neck injury (n=1), heart problem (n=1), and sleep apnea (n=1). Regarding intention to practice healthy eating, about half of respondents reported trying to do this “to a great extent” (n=8), one-third of them reported trying to do this “to a small extent” (n=6), and one reported no interest. Specific reasons for choosing the truck stop included: handicapped parking; smoking area; availability of a weight room and exercise equipment; availability of a variety of activities; and availability of healthier foods. Respondents also reported interest in playing basketball (not available at the stop) and the need for better walking trails.
Lessons learned from pilot study
The research area has potential. Most participants did not engage in physical activity at the recommended level; however, they did report the intention to practice healthy eating and availability of activities was among the reasons for choosing the truck stop. The approach was successfully implemented, but important challenges included recruiting truck stop locations, scouting of locations for volume of traffic, enrolling drivers, and design and implementation of the survey. The main lessons learned indicate that several enhancements are needed in advance of further work particularly in identifying and characterizing host truck stops, enhanced training on participant engagement, and shortening the survey to reduce respondent burden. The results also suggest that understanding drivers’ interests could be helpful to truck stop owners in developing services and facilities that could attract additional business. Further details are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Challenges and lessons learned during pilot study implementation
Challenge |
Pilot study experience |
Lesson learned |
Identify/recruit truck stops to host the study |
Recruiting truck stops proved difficult and no new truck stops were identified. The host stop had been involved in a previous research effort. |
Outreach efforts to develop a network of truck stop owners. |
Low number of potential participants |
Volume of traffic through the truck stop was lower than expected |
Investigate user patterns at the truck stop so study staff are present at the right times. |
Enrolling drivers |
It can be difficult to engage drivers. |
Train study staff on engagement strategies and consider this in survey re-design. |
Survey design |
Completing the survey took more time than anticipated and should be shortened. |
Shorten/re-design survey prior to future study. |
Survey implementation |
Internet connection was unstable so tablet could not be consistently used. |
Ensure back-up means for survey implementation. |
The data collection team noted that many respondents agreed to the study as a social activity. Considering the recent literature on driver’s work stress and poorer mental health the investigators consider mental health an important area to explore in future work (Apostolopoulos et al., 2016; Garbarino et al., 2018; Hege et al., 2019).
While only a small pilot study of 18 participants, the data gathered is consistent with other findings on long-haul drivers; the health issues and concerns reported align well with existing literature as summarized in the Introduction. The pilot study findings help to illustrate the cumulative risk assessment concept of stressor exposures across multiple, overlapping health domains:
· Work: stress and other exposures (time pressure, diesel emissions)
· Individual: person-level health and risk factors (older age, musculoskeletal problems)
· Environment: Physical environmental needs (fitness facilities, healthy food)
· Community and social: Desire for social interaction
Figure 2 illustrates this framework. Long-haul drivers are at the center, experiencing the potentially health damaging and/or health promoting aspects of each domain.
Human health risk assessment (HHRA) is an integral part of environmental and occupational health decision making. The HHRA process is designed to organize and translate research on hazards (biological, chemical, physical, psychosocial, etc.), their health effects, and population exposures and susceptibilities to characterize or estimate health risks to inform risk management (Abt et al., 2010; National Research Council Committee on Improving Risk Analysis Approaches Used by the U.S. EPA, 2009). The cumulative risk literature for the occupational health field has grown over the past decade featuring conceptual models, examples and applications to support its practice (Fox et al., 2018; Lentz et al., 2015; Maier et al., 2017; Niemeier et al., 2020; Schulte et al., 2012; Williams et al., 2012). These models and concepts may help operationalize the syndemic idea in the design and translation to risk management of long-haul driver (and other worker) health studies, as described below.
Table 4. Drivers’ concerns, risk managers and stakeholders in a cumulative risk framework
Work Domain |
Social/Community Domain |
Individual Domain |
Environmental Domain |
Drivers |
Time pressure and work strain Sedentary work Diesel emissions High rates of injury Whole body vibration
Inadequate work-life balance Isolated from home and local services
Predominantly male Older age Perceived stress Pre-existing health conditions |
Variable Preferred activities may not be available |
Risk managers or decision makers |
Drivers Employers Regulators Truck and equipment manufacturers |
Drivers Family and friends |
Drivers Government agencies (local and national) Truck stops Businesses
Stakeholders |
Co-workers Businesses General Public |
General public Truck stops Local businesses
Employers Regulators Family, friends Co-workers General public |
General public |
While truck drivers are responsible for their own health, preventive health management and opportunities can be systemically improved for these itinerant workers. Truck driver wellness programs have developed over time with models that work through trucking companies as well as with individual owner-operators; these programs are part of the larger workplace wellness field (Healthy Trucking of America, 2021; Rolling Strong, 2019). As suggested by the cumulative risk assessment framework and the various decision-makers and stakeholders in matters of driver health, other opportunities to support driver health could include other types of partnerships, for example, companies working with the truck stop owners to improve healthy food options at truck stops. In addition, while some truck stops are located in isolated areas, most are in or on the outskirts of other permanent communities. Communications by employers and truck stop owners about the health, fitness, and outdoor amenities in the adjacent community could facilitate use by drivers, e.g., providing maps of parks, trails, recreation and fitness facilities and social events, programs, farmers markets, libraries and drop-in classes happening nearby. A goal could be to increase education around the need for health prevention, provide awareness of positive, life-enhancing opportunities, and make the right choice the easy choice, even for truck drivers on the move.
Human health research applied in risk assessment is a foundation of occupational health risk management. Considering cumulative risk assessment concepts in occupational health research design can facilitate holistic research considering syndemics, other co-exposures, risk factors and mitigators across multiple domains of health to expand potential risk management options for improved worker health protection.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Mary A. Fox
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
624 N. Broadway, Room 407
Baltimore, MD 21205
A. Fox:
L. Penbrooke:
Zietsman: 0000-0002-2572-0114
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the pilot study participants.
Conflict of interest statement: None to declare.
Author Contributions: Pilot study investigation: R.F., T.L.P., J.Z.; Conceptualization: M.A.F.; Writing—original draft, M.A.F., M.R., T.L.P.; Writing—review and editing, M.A.F., T.L.P., R.F., T.R., J.Z.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of Texas A&M University (IRB 2018-0265M approved August 17, 2018).
Funding: US DOT Award #69A3551747128 to the Center for Advancing Research on Transportation Emissions, Energy and Health. Author T.L.P. is funded by GP RED & BerryDunn.
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