Availability of Recreation Facilities and Parks In Relation to Adolescent Participation in Organized Sports and Activity Programs

How to Cite

McCormack, M., Pratt, M., Conway, T. L., Cain, K. L., Frank, L. D., Saelens, B. E., Glanz, K., Larsen, B., Bloss, C., Fox, E. H., & Sallis, J. (2023). Availability of Recreation Facilities and Parks In Relation to Adolescent Participation in Organized Sports and Activity Programs. Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 3(1), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.51250/jheal.v3i1.59


Most adolescents do not meet physical activity guidelines, so understanding facilitators and barriers is important. This study used surveys and geocoded location data to examine associations of availability of parks and recreation facilities with adolescent-reported participation in organized team sports and physical activity classes. The study was conducted with 928 adolescents aged 12-17 years, plus one parent/caretaker, recruited from two regions of the US. Adolescents’ participation in teams and classes was positively associated with parents’ perceptions of multiple available recreation environments , but not with objectively-measured availability.  Having multiple nearby parks and recreation facilities may provide adolescents with more options for participating in organized team sports and activity classes.  



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marisa McCormack, Michael Pratt, Terry L Conway, Kelli L Cain, Lawrence D Frank, Brian E Saelens, Karen Glanz, Britta Larsen, Cinnamon Bloss, Eric H Fox, James Sallis