The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of goal setting, movement behaviors, and health perceptions in young adults after an online health coaching intervention. Participants were young adults from a university within the western United States (N=257; 57.2% female). Participants met with health coaches in an online setting for one hour and goals were set for two behavior areas. Physical activity (PA), sitting time, sleep, and perceptions of general health and emotional wellbeing (health perceptions) were collected at baseline and at 2- and 4-weeks after the coaching session. Mediation analyses determined the associations of the health coaching session with goal setting on self-reported general health and emotional wellbeing and the indirect associations of each movement behavior. No movement behavior positively mediated the associations between the health coaching session and any of the health perception outcomes, although PA, sitting time, and weeknight sleep at 2-weeks associated with general health at 4-weeks (b=0.17–0.39, p<0.01) and associated with emotional wellbeing at 4-weeks (b=0.16–0.21, p<0.01). Emotional wellbeing mediated the associations of the health coaching session on general health (IE=0.19, p<0.001) and general health mediated the association of the health coaching session on emotional wellbeing (IE=0.09, p<0.001). Movement behaviors correlated with self-reported general health and emotional wellbeing, but no positive mediating associations were observed. Emotional wellbeing mediated the associations of the health coaching session on general health and vice-versa, suggesting a bidirectional association between the two health perceptions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lingyi Fu, Ryan Burns, Yuhuan Xie, Julie Lucero, Timothy Brusseau, Yang Bai