A telehealth yoga program for older adults in rural Wisconsin: intervention development and process outcomes


rural, telehealth, exercise, older adults, yoga

How to Cite

Andreae, S., Casey, T., Mross, P., Mezera, M., Mortensen, A., & Pickett, K. (2024). A telehealth yoga program for older adults in rural Wisconsin: intervention development and process outcomes: A telehealth yoga program for rural dwelling older adults . Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 4(2), 92–106. https://doi.org/10.51250/jheal.v4i2.73


Although yoga improves physical functioning, balance, and quality of life in older adults, rural residents are less likely to participate due to issues related to availability, access, and beliefs regarding yoga practice. To address these barriers, we worked with community partners to adapt a yoga program designed for older adults for telehealth delivery. In this report, intervention development and process outcomes are presented.

Community collaborators identified strategies to recruit and retain older adults and suggested modifications required to maximize the adoption and maintenance of a telehealth exercise program by local community organizations. Four rural serving organizations evaluated the program, with participants assigned to a first or second offering. Process measures collected at post-intervention supplemented program evaluation measures collected pre- and post-intervention.

The adapted 8-week program consisted of two weekly group sessions delivered over videoconferencing software. Of 48 enrolled participants, 83% completed the program. Participants were on average 72.6 (SD=6) years old, majority white (98%), female (85.7%), and attended some college (92%). Most were satisfied with the telehealth delivery, program content, and yoga instructor with mixed results regarding logistical issues such as program length and duration.

Community organizations similar to those that will ultimately disseminate the program, yoga teachers, and older adults were engaged to maximize the feasibility of this telehealth exercise program. The program appeared to be safe and acceptable, indicating telehealth may be a strategy to increase access to yoga programs for rural-dwelling older adults. Lessons learned will inform future telehealth iterations of this and similar exercise programming.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Susan Andreae, Thomas Casey, Paul Mross, Mary Mezera, Anne Mortensen, Kristen Pickett