Developing translational products for adapting evidence-based physical activity interventions in rural communities


Evidence-based interventions
Physical Activity
Community Collaboration

How to Cite

Bucklin, R., Evett, S., Correa, A., Gant, M., Lewis, M., & Askelson, N. (2024). Developing translational products for adapting evidence-based physical activity interventions in rural communities. Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 4(2), 69–78.


The development and distribution of educational materials is a key strategy to support the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs). Rural communities have higher rates of physical inactivity and face higher burden of many diseases that increased physical activity can prevent. To support the translation of a developed physical activity intervention for adults in micropolitan communities (10,000-50,000 people), called Active XXXX, the University of XXXX Prevention Research Center for Rural Health (PRC-RH) created a toolkit and supplemental resources designed to guide implementers through the implementation of the intervention. Through a community-engaged process, the PRC-RH underwent three phases of review and evaluation of the developed products. The first phase involved the Community Advisory Board from the pilot intervention, the second involved the PRC-RH State Advisory Board and public health practitioners from across the state, and the third involved micropolitan leaders and micropolitan health department staff. The feedback received through these three phases resulted in changes to the developed products to improve usability, readability, and clarity. The feedback also resulted in the development of additional materials to further support the implementation of the intervention. The success the PRC-RH experienced in the review process can be attributed to the strong, established partnerships with practitioners across the state who represented a variety of community roles and organizations. The developed materials can be used to improve physical activity rates in rural and micropolitan communities, in turn reducing chronic diseases and improving the quality of life for rural residents.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rebecca Bucklin, Stephanie Evett, Anna Correa, Melissa Gant, Michelle Lewis, Natoshia Askelson